Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day over

Have you ever had one of those days that just doesn't go right. It seems like everything is just going wrong? Today is one of those days for me. 
 I had a doctors appointment this morning that I scheduled a month ago. I haven't been looking forward to going but I figured it would be a fast hour after my scheduled time I was still sitting in the waiting room waiting. I was eventually called back and was able to talk to the doctor and of course the results weren't was I was hoping for. I left went to get coffee and rush home so Kyle could go to work. Once home I realized the lunch I wanted to eat was gone and there was no more juice in the house. Than I got sick and realized Hannah was alone in the other end of the house. Yes that has bad news written all over it. And as I sit here hoping Hannah settles down to nap I realized how crazy this morning was and it didn't not go according to plan but that's just life sometimes. And you either go with flow or you don't. 
 My devotional today really lined up with this morning as it was talk about finding peace in God during stressful situations. And that is so true! Instead of being angry that my appointment was running late or throw a pity party because I'm sick I need to pray and find comfort within God. Hopefully I'll be able to remember that in the future 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Surface Devotions

I know for myself finding quiet time with God is so difficult some days. My quiet time with God used to be when I was driving in my car alone. I would just talk out loud as if God was sitting in the passenger seat. After Hannah came I found myself to never be alone in the car. Unfortunately my time with God was put on the back burner and I didn't realize it. I started going to a wonderful Bible study at my church and met an amazing group of women and it was then that I realized I was missing something. I thought it was social interaction with woman my own age, and I enjoyed going and seeing them weekly (well the weeks that I could make it.) Within the past few weeks I've realized I have become in a sense mean, short tempered and a conclusion jumper (sorry Kyle) and its really reeked havoc in my life. I just felt like something was missing, but I was so quick to jump to anger instead of rational thinking.  I started to really look inward and I realized that I am missing that quiet time with God, that helps keep me in check and makes me feel better about life. My wonderful husband got me a new Bible for Christmas and I am so excited to dive into it. But as far as devotions go I'm not one who can just open the Bible and read, I need guidance. I invested in a devotional Journal by Sarah Young. I was skeptical at first and made sure to find time daily to do my devotions, usually during Han's nap time, and I must admit the past two days have been exceptionally incredible!! The devotions lined up exactly with what I am going through and make me want to open and dig in the Bible for more answers. Its so refreshing and I can feel my soul becoming happy. It feels as though God is saying this is what you have been missing, here is the information you have been searching for, and here I am. Yesterday's devotional was about trusting God, today's devotion was about praying with perseverance. Two things I have struggled with over the past week. Its incredible and I am so excited to see what tomorrows devotion will say and what else God has in store for my life. 


Tuesday, January 6, 2015


You win some and you lose some. That's what kept running through my head today. Yesterday I started a new schedule with Hannah and it went so much better than I could have expected it. Today...that was another story. She slept in her crib until 745ish (usually she comes in our bed at 6am) she felt like skipping her morning nap and it was not a silent protest in the slightest. Okay so we adapted and played had a morning snack to try and keep the rest of the day on schedule. Lunch came and so did nap time. Well nap time (2 glorious hours I am able to get things done) turned into half an hour of barely anything. As much as I tried, sleep wasn't going to happen. No temp wasn't hungry so we played, and played, screamed a bit, and played in the snow. Eventually she ate dinner once dada got home and went to bed 5:45. 
Today's schedule was not her normal schedule and I had to adapt to what she decided we were doing today. I love schedules but with a toddler I have to be okay with the fact that sometimes I have to throw it out the window and play by her rules. Scary but it will all be okay and will just be a busier night when she finally goes to bed. And of course tomorrow is a new day! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

First birthday...

Due to sickness and the excitement of Hans bday I haven't been able to write 👎 but I feel semi human today so let's get the party started! 
My precious baby turned one on December 23! When people say the first year goes fast boy were they right!  I really wish I could have taken in all of those sleepy cuddles and needing me for practically everything. Take me back to the days of tummy time, nursing, baby butts with animals on them. Before the mad face, no no no, the walking, and getting into everything. Lol 
 As much as I miss that little newborn that came home from the hospital over a year ago I must admit I absolutely LOVE seeing her grown and experience new things. The way her eyes light up when she figures something out and giggles at everything. It's incredible. I still can't believe that she's a toddler this almost walking, talking (still toothless) little person. 
 I'm so excited to watch her grow and see who she's going to turn into. What type of woman she will be. And of course what her take on the world 
