Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mommy said...Saturday Edition

It's just after 10am and the things I've said to my daughter today are things I can only look back and laugh at. Hope you enjoy! 
1) "Hannah Stop trying to run over the dog!" Yup had to say that not once but twice. We got hannah a new toy that she can drive around the house but of course her only mission is to run over the dog. 
2) "bananas don't belong in your diaper". Whats the fascination with sticking things down her diaper? I don't think I'll ever understand. But, I do hope this phase ends soon. I've found way to much food and various other things in there when I go to change her 
3) "Hannah don't stick your finger there, it might get stuck". Did she listen...Nope..did her finger get stuck...yup... Did I almost have to use butter to unstick her finger..yup 
4) "Hannah Elizabeth stop licking the dog!" Yup super gross I swear we feed her 
5) "Please stop playing with the light switch" she's finally tall enough to reach our stairway light switch so all day I just see the lights flicker. Of course I thought it was a circut problem or a ghost..Nope just a curious toddler having fun. 

Thankfully daddy has a short day of work so once he's home I'll keep an ear out and maybe do a Daddy's edition haha 


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Wife..Happy life....

..or at least that's the saying. But what about Happy husband, or happy marriage. With everything going on right now life seems to have gotten the best of me and Kyle. Now Im not saying our marriage is in shambles or we aren't in love with each other. It just fees like sometimes we are just living life and just getting by, Not really striving for anything else. Its like we are on autopilot I guess. Wake up eat breakfast he goes to work, hours pass he comes home I say Hi and go to bed. We don't have alot of  "us" time and quite honestly we don't put effort into making us time. 

Today I was invited to a moms group and the session was titled " Keeping Romance Alive" Isolation VS Intimacy. It talked about the three common results when couples fall out of love. Now let me just start by saying I absolutely love my husband he is my favorite person in the word (other than Hannah) but its true after almost 5 years of marriage and a child the butterflies aren't as strong as they used to be. After the session today and feeling like the speaker had cameras in my house I need to be more intentional about my marriage.  Unfortunately when Kyle and I get into our little disagreements I do hold grudges and I try to one up him and really am mean. There were two things that really stood out to me today. To invest more in your relationship than you withdraw, and to Experience Life together.

Invest more than you withdraw to put it in different terms be a Giver not a taker. I know at times I take and take and take but its because I feel like I give. I try to keep the house clean, do the  dishes, laundry, clutter, I make sure Hannah is okay dressed appropriately, has enough to eat, isnt stationed in front of the tv. But in a sense I feel like I'm giving to my husband but I don't know if that's really what he needs. With his new work schedule he inst home alot and has some rough days, he may need me to just listen to him when he gets home I can give him and ear but am I actually doing that. No, because by that time of night Im exhausted and just want to fall into bed. I need to see what his true needs are and Im hoping to do better at that.

The Second thing is to Experience Life Together. Yes we experience life together,  We obviously experienced buying our first house and the birth of our daughter together. But what about the rest of the time. What about the sunset that God paints every night just for us. Or the flowers starting to bloom as spring is right around the corner, What about those things are we experiencing those things? Unfortunately the answer yet again is No. Life gets busy but we need to stop and just experience EVERYTHING together. Life can either be rough or fun. I want it to be the latter. And I want to experience it with my husband. 

Im praying that I can take these to heart and not just get on a kick and than slowly fall back into auto pilot. Im hoping when Kyle gets home tonight we can really sit down talk and listen to eachother so we can see what each of us needs instead of just guessing. Ill leave you with my new life verse Acts 2:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive."


Monday, March 16, 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you would lose your head if it wasn't attached.  I've felt like that the past few days. My house is a mess I cant find anything, my socks don't match, my daughter is wearing pink pants with a red shirt. I feel like life is on hyper speed and I'm trying to catch up.

I think it all started when my one year old cut her 3rd tooth.Sleeping hasn't been the best and she has been quite clingy. Which is okay when I don't have a million things going on. This weekend is the retreat for my work. Its a nice time for our guests to get away and Learn more about God. Being the head nurse there is alot for me to do and I completely forgot one of the biggest things....getting Doctor coverage.How in the world did I forget to do that!! Last Thursday I sat down and called the doctor to request coverage apologizing profusely for the fact that I usually give them a months notice and now its less than a week. I waited for a phone call back and tried to put it out of my mind during our conferences over the weekend. Monday comes and I hurry up with my sleepy toddler to work and write the letter and get everything ready to mail and stick it in our bin to go to the post office. I call and tell them everything is in the mail and apologize again. Then they say just fax it over...Fax why didn't I think of that. It gets there quicker and I get a quick response. Duh! After I get everything ready to fax and fax it I rush home since the napping window for my toddler is very short and I put her in her crib set her up and decide maybe ill take a shower while shes napping. Of course as soon as I get in the shower  the windows of my house are about to crack with squeals of a very upset little lady. 2 minute non-relaxing shower later (personal best) I get the baby situated and she thankfully falls asleep for real this time. Time for coffee maybe that's what I need to get out of this funk. Coffee creamer..Thankfully my neighbor lent me some so i can have some coffee. Than I sit down and look around my disheveled messy house and look to my side to see my daily devotional (which ive been unfortunately lacking) and start to read. Of course just like with everything else the devotional is right on point. Sometimes life gets hectic and chaotic, sometimes days are long and nights are short but I have to remember to turn to God take some time and of course BREATH. Being a mom, missionary, wife, nurse, daughter,sister, cousin, friend can get tough but if I don't take time to sit down breath and spend time with God than quite frankly my head is going to fly off. Just like with this post life gets messy but you just have to take some "me time"  and know everything will be okay
