Friday, December 19, 2014


So I decided on Fridays I'm gonna start posting 5 specific things. Whether it's 5 things about me, 5 favorite Instagram shops you just have to wait and find out. Today is 5 things you could have heard me say to my daughter this week 
 1) "Hannah you can not eat jake's foot." For those of you who don't know jake is our two year old Golden retriever. This particular situation utimatly ended in our very first temper tantrum cry fest 
2) "Hannah are you pooping?" I don't know why I always ask my one year old this when there are tell tale signs that she is but I find myself asking her this at least twice a day. 
3) "Hannah your crushing my throat!" Sometimes mommy just needs to lay down so I will. On my back. And little ms Hannah thinks it's funny to crawl over and literally straddle my throat and squeeze her thighs. She thinks it's the funniest thing in the world though. 
4) "Hannah you can't lick the cabinet!" We are in that wonderful phase of licking everything! And of course she says no as I watch her lick the cabinet, or the dog, or the floor. 
5) "Finish your carrots before you have more bread." If my daughter could eat plain bread 24/7 she would. I just can't believe it. Some kids like sweets my daughter nope she likes bread plain old bread. 
Until next post 


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Life is like a game of Tetris....

I can't be the only one who said that in a Forrest Gump voice. Sometimes I feel like life just when it feels like I have the whole life thing figured out and my Tetris game is on point I'm thrown a jagged peice that doesn't fit anywhere.
 Lately life has been pretty near perfect. My husband just accepted an amazing position in our ministry and I've never been prouder of him. With this promotion (if you would say) comes a lot of different perks. Now anyone who knows me knows I'm a planner I do not have a spontaneous bone in my body. Spontaneity is on my list of top 5 fears with snakes tornados heights and the dark. So I like to know things way way in advance. Well eventually once we get our own camp we are hoping to move onto the camp and live there FULLTIME. Yay for no more packing up and moving two and from two different camps. Well there have been some prospects and of course as soon as I hear that I start planning about what I want the house to look like and what's around said camps but then things fall through and we are back to nothing. That's the first jagged edge Tetris peice 
 The second is I have been blessed with an amazing daughter she is perfect in everyway and I'm hoping someday to expand my family and give her siblings. Well I have been dealing with ovarian issues. You know my ovary felt like growing a small orange and forgot to ask my permission. Being a woman this can be quite scary as the first thing that pops up is can I have more children. My doctors all say everything looks good but having to be on medication to mess with hormones to fix this is something I'm worrying about. Of course not being sure what the future holds makes me regret that I didn't embrace my pregnancy with my daughter or go on a dairy free diet to prolong our wonderful nursing experience. And didn't take advantage of how beautiful pregnancy really is. 
 But today as I was giving my worries and day to God like I do everyday Jerrmiah 29:11 poped into my head. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares The Lord " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Wow just wow God already knows what the future holds he knows in his timing things will work out according to his plan and I'm so thankful for that. He has the perfect camp picked out if it's in his plans and if I'm meant to have more children it will happen when He is ready. It's something I need to mediate on more and be thankful to God for more not just when a situation occurs. 
I'll leave with one thought. The next time your winning at Tetris are you going to let those pesky jagged peices make you lose the game than think oh I wish I could have done that or I wish I would have done that. Or will you take those jagged peices and use them to your advantage right here right now. 


Saturday, December 13, 2014

First night away from Hannah

The last two months I've had so many ideas of what to write and honestly time got away very fast. Sometimes I wish I could think of a blog post with out typing a word and it would just show up and post. Wishful thinking. Anyway onto blogging๐Ÿ˜„ 

My first night away from Hannah.
 So when I was pregnant I thought  about my first night away from Hannah. A nice hotel with my husband maybe room service and a bubble bath while Hannah had her first sleep over with her grandparents. A day to reconnect with my husband. Well I had my first day away from Hannah about a month ago and unfortunately it was nothing like I thought. I was instead alone in a hospital room. Two thumbs down ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘ŽI've been dealing with ovarian cysts for a few years and sometimes it gets the best of me. That night when I heard I was being admitted I thought so this is the night I thought about when I was pregnant. No fancy hotel no nice dinner in a new dress no sleeping in. Instead I was in a hospital room and my dress was a hospital gown with no back, bland food and nurses doing checks. Instead of being away from Hannah I couldn't wait to get back to her. Maybe eventually my husband and I will have our official overnight without Hannah but it probably wont be till she's 18 ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Love and hugs 