Monday, September 29, 2014

What do you do for a living....

  Seems like a pretty easy question to answer. But for me I don't know how to answer it half the time. You see I'm a nurse, but I'm also a missionary, and a stay at home mom. Confusing right. Well let's try to break this down.  
  Well the first two kinda go together. I am a nurse I've worked in the school system and a psychiatric hospital. But at my missionary job I'm also a nurse. Not the type of missionary nurse that travels the world and helps those in need. Since that is what people assume as soon as I say I'm a nurse with a missionary organization. My job is wonderful I have a great support system and I get to do what I love. Which is working with individuals whom have disabilities. I work with Handi*Vangelism and my main focus is on Handi*camp. I make sure over 170 people (campers and staff) stay healthy over a 6 and a half week span. I love every second of it. Mainly though my job needs my primary focus from Dec-mid July. So what do I do the rest of the year?
  This is where being a stay at home mom comes into effect. Of course during camp and camp prep I'm still taking care of my daughter and usually taking her to work with me. But from end of July-Dec I'm mainly home well minus the few hours here and there to run to the office. I love being home with Hannah more than I thought I would. Of course there are days I long for adult conversations and drinking my coffee before it gets cold but all in all I love seeing her grow up right before my eyes and not missing anything. I'm lucky I'm able to do this since a lot of women can't and I thank God every day ,and my husband for working his butt off, to allow me to do this everyday. 
  So yet again we are back at the begining. What do I do for a living? Live my life the best way that I can. 😉


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hannah's story

I look at some peoples pregnancies and think wow that went fast. As for my own I felt like I was pregnant forever. After severe morning sickness and numerous hospital trips until 20 weeks I thought the day would never come. But, on December 14 everything changed. I have never been in so much pain. I went to the hospital thinking this was it. Well after a few hours and bouncing on a ball it wasn't time and with a shot of morphine in my butt I went home. This went on a few more times and I was diagnosed with  prodromal labor. I was in labor but wasn't progressing. It was awful to say the least. On Sunday Dec 22 I ended up back in the hospital contractions 5 minutes apart ready to go. But nope not yet. They said I had two options an elective csection since she was supposed to be huge or induced at 39 weeks. I wanted to see what my body was capable of so I opted for induction. 
  Dec 23rd early in the morning I got showered and ready to go. I knew today would be the day I would meet my daughter. It was weird leaving the house as a family of two knowing we would return a family of three. We arrived at the hospital at 7am and pitocin was started. I felt pretty good ready for the day ahead. Around 11am I was at 4cm wahoo and they broke my water. Right before a contraction started Hannah would get super exvited. The nurses thought that was the funniest thing. Around noon i was ready for my epidural.  I fell in love with the guy doing it. Of course he said all pregnant women do lol   I finally had some relief and was exhausted.  Every few hours I would get checked on and was at 5cm my labor stalled. 6pm I was checked again and still at 5cm so we all agreed a csection would be best. Hannah's head was also stuck so it was best for both of us to do it. 7pm prepped and wheeled into the operating room. I was scared and exhausted. Kyle stayed by my side and I told him to wake me up when she was about to come out because I just wanted to sleep. I had some last minute thoughts would I be a good mom will I have that instance in love feelin...
 8:08pm after feeling pushing and tugging on my belly this adorable 8lbs 1oz 21inches long angry raisin came out screaming. I was thankful that after getting into recovery I was the first person (other than nurses and doctors) to hold her. All my worries and fears went away. And I couldn't believe that She is perfect and she is and always will be mine 

Diving head first

I've wanted to get back into blogging for a while but in my head there was a lot of what ifs. What if I can't find the write blog for me? What if I can't find time to blog? What if no one reads my blog?  Well today I decided to just dive in head first and figure it out as I go along. This blog will be a little bit of everything. But as the title states it's my life as if lately. There will be a bit about being a wife, a mommy, and avid shopper and everything between. So hope if your reading this you'll enjoy this journey with me!